Tuesday, August 7, 2007


It has been an interesting week!

Thursday I woke up with a sore throat, no bueno. I ended up leaving work early - what can I say? I'm weak.

The Shift Conference was the next night and I was on the praise team. Poco did a beautiful job when my voice decided to start giving out! God gave me enough strength to get through the service - and a wonderful service it was! Sis Angel played and sang with us since Julie was out of town. Man - God really blessed her with an awesome voice. She rocks. Danelle has formed a fan club for her. Danelle is the pres, I'm the VP, Mandy is the Treasurer. Donnie ended up getting off work just in time for Sis McLaughlin to grab him up to sing. He's so good. Instant in season and out, huh baby? ;)

Saturday was FULL! I helped Mandy and Krista pack, and when Donnie got off work we headed over to my mom's to help her pack. By the end of the day we were both worn out!

When Sunday rolled around I felt worse. The services were amazing though. God is pouring out His spirit!! We had four baptized and two received the Holy Ghost!! Sunday night Jason was supposed to preach - but the choir decided to preach instead. I enjoyed the service, but I was a little bummed. I'm excited to hear Jason preach! I am confident that he and God will do an amazing job.

Monday? I only worked a half day - I was SICK. Krista came through her surgery with flying colors - WOO HOO! But Donnie ended up having to cook dinner. It was good though. Not that I'm surprised or anything... ;)

Tuesday - I'm better!!! :) I feel so much better today - and I know it's because of prayer. This kind of things lingers in my body for some reason, but today I feel alert and ready to face the world. Of course - this lingering cough wants to face the world too!! Stupid monkey.

Please pray. My former pastor suffered a heart attack Saturday night and is in a coma. By the time his wife found him he had stopped breathing. The doctors are saying that there is brain damage and that the future is not looking good. But. I know a healer - and whatever form of healing God sees fit to perform - we ask Him to do it!


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